Khye Tyson

Khye Tyson (they/them) is an unapologetic southern queer Black femme who enjoys yoga, building community, laughing, subverting the gender binary, and reminding people that they can fire their doctors. Khye is a sacred transition guide, entrepreneur, healer, consultant, and educator. As the founder of Kuluntu Reproductive Justice Center (founded in 2018), Khye is working toward a world in which Black women and femmes can live, thrive, and raise healthy families freely within a healthy community. Khye loves to hike, sew, thrift, create art, sing, and dream of a world in which education is intuitive and culturally responsive. They are originally from Nashville, TN, and currently reside in Atlanta.

“We know that queer folks are everywhere”

Citation: Tyson, Khye. “We know that queer folks are everywhere.” Interviewed by Ashby Combahee & Dartricia Rollins. 25 September 2022, Georgia Dusk: a southern liberation oral history,


Sukari “Suki” Olawumi


Kwajelyn Jackson