Kwajelyn Jackson

Kwajelyn Jackson currently serves as Executive Director at Feminist Women's Health Center (FWHC) in Atlanta, GA. She has the optimistic vision and pragmatism needed to lead an independent, non-profit, Feminist, multi-generational, multi-racial reproductive health, rights, and justice organization, providing compassionate abortion care in the South. Since 2013, she has led the expansion of FWHC’s statewide and national impact and deepened its community partnerships, leading the organization’s civic engagement, advocacy, education, and outreach teams, before becoming the organization’s first Black woman Executive Director in 2018. She sits on the board of directors for All-Options, Abortion Care Network, the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, and the Lola. Kwajelyn has been named as one of the 500 Most Powerful Leaders in Atlanta by Atlanta Magazine in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

“Reproductive freedom requires us to be connected to one another”

Citation: Jackson, Kwajelyn. “Reproductive freedom requires us to be connected to one another.” Interviewed by Ashby Combahee & Dartricia Rollins. 23 September 2022, Georgia Dusk: a southern liberation oral history,


Khye Tyson